Captain Jimmy
My name is Capt. Jimmy Pitetti with Offpoint Sportsfishing Charters. I am a native of Hatteras Island and was born and raised in Buxton, NC. My family has been in the Hatteras Island Community for decades, dating back to some of the first Lightkeepers, Surfmen at the Coast Guard Lifesaving stations and finally, my great grandfather Nace Jennette, the first Federal Game Warden on Hatteras Island in the 1920’s.
I have been fishing since I was young, starting with going out with my grandfather in his skiff to catch Speckled Trout, Red Drum and Bluefish. As I got older and into my teens and twenties I was mentored by some of the greatest local fishermen on how to surf fish for Red Drum at Cape Point and search for Speckled Trout in the Pamlico Sound. Now, I fish the Pamlico Sound on Topwater lures and light tackle, hunting for the same fish I chased in my youth.
There is nothing more exciting than taking people out and seeing their reactions when they hook into their first Drum or Speckled Trout. The happiness on their face and the joy from the experience is priceless, when a Drum hits the Topwater Lure and bursts out of the water it always makes for a wonderful day.
From growing up on the island to becoming a charter boat Captain I have seen a lot of changes to my community and have worked to adapt. I make sure I take that attitude to the boat and work to not only put fish in the cooler but also make an incredible memory for you to take home with you.
I look forward to meeting with each and every one of you and can’t wait to help make memories and show you my incredible slice of paradise.
The Boat
The boat is the most relied on piece for quality inshore fishing in the Pamlico Sound.
I have chosen a 1999 21ft Carolina Skiff with a Custom Sightfishing Tower/Control Center. The tower will add improvement in locating the fish nearby. It is powered by a 2021 Suzuki 115HP 4 Stroke Engine to help us quickly get you to and from the fishing grounds.
I am an avid fan of St. Croix Rods and Diawa Reels and have several setup for the day.
Parties aren’t required to bring any rods, lures, or bait but can if they wish to fish on their personal setup.